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I blog what I love and I love what I blog.


…This is a no drama blog!


I’m only here to support all of the creative designers that I personally find exquisite and get all dressed up! I’m not fond of ‘hating’ on people, I’ve been through my fair share of this, but that being said I will post discussions of works of art throughout this and my educated opinion on style. My reviews consist of me explaining the pieces of clothing, accessories, builds, poses, etc. and how they relate to the story. Its basic appreciation placed on recognition of all artists who either sent me items to review or I purchased them.


If  I don’t love it or Ican’t find a place to fit it into a character, I don’t blog it.


Lastly, my RL comes first,:

I (Aki) am a university student, things will be delayed a week or a month before I post much, but my flickr is constant.



Knowing this… if you’d like me to “review” your items, go ahead and contact me through these means:


In World: Oakesvale 



(please put in the subject line "Almost Cinematic" review for an email, I'm a very busy person RL a lot of emails on daily.)

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